Associate professor Almostafa International University
Abstract: (3332 Views)
Epistemological foundations in an intellectual system play a decisive role in its doctrinal notions. Salafi thought, especially Ibn Taymiyyah's views, arose from a sensual epistemological base; This means that "whatever is not tangible and imaginable is on no existence at all. Accordingly, Ibn Taymiyyah, in contrast to "abstract rationality", proposes "corporeal rationality". He believes that sense and imagination, like reason, can comprehend God's actions. Thus, the present study focuses on the question: What rationality the extreme ideas of Salafism, such as the embodiment of God and extremist textualism are based on? In this article, in the light of the analytical-critical method, we came to the conclusion that the most important function of the corporeal intellect is "the comparison of the absent based on that of present. " Ibn Taymiyyah blurs the line between feeling and imagination and illusion and reason, and suggests a combined rationality. Keywords: Corporeal Rationality, Ibn Taymiyyah, Salafism, Sensationalism, Embodiment, Absent Comparison with Present.
Azizi Alavijeh M. A Critical Analysis of Corporeal Intellect from Ibn Taymiyyah`s View. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2020; 16 (61) :147-164 URL: