The issue of the present article is the equality of hereditary choice, religious knowledge and the reasons derived from religious texts. The purpose of this study is to show that hereditary choice, religious knowledge and reasons for religions are not equal. The method used is by way of description and analysis. The findings, the change of extension in the family and ethnic religion, reject the equality of religions. The cases of knowledge derived from the texts of religions are different and inconsistent. As scholars of different religions do not agree with each other's knowledge. Some religions offer incompatible concepts and cognitions from within. The reasons for religions are no longer valid with other scholars. Islam has considered the knowledge of certainty and logical reasons along with the study of various sayings as the criterion for choosing a religion as has viewed the compatibility of concepts within religion a prerequisite for the legitimacy of religious teachings. Hence, the religion of Islam, by presenting compatible cognitions and concepts, rejects external reasons and the astonishing expansion of religious equality. Keywords: Religious Pluralism, Hereditary Religion, Cognition, Intra-Religious Concepts, Reasons by Religions.
Mirahmadi S A. A Critical Study of the Equality of Hereditary Choice, Religious Knowledge and the Reasons Derived from the Religious Texts. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2021; 17 (66) :113-128 URL: