1- Associate professor Kharazmi University 2- AM Kharazmi University
Abstract: (1983 Views)
The purpose of this article is to understand the nature of revelation on the basis of the relationships between dream and revelation as found in the religious texts and the ability to deduce from them. The method of studying this issue is interpretive-analytical, which, based on the appearances of religious texts on the relationship between revelation and dream and the sayings of commentators in this regard, seeks to find the possibility or impossibility of using dreaming for attaining knowledge of revelation. By the findings of this study some typological similarity and relationship between revelation and dream have been found as weakness of the external senses, the interpretability of some true dreams and revelation, and the revelation`s being sent in a dream. True dreaming is also considered a part of prophecy in religious texts. Accordingly, dreaming can help to attain some knowledge of revelation, and this method should be used, but in revelational attitude of dreams of fallacies such as the fallacy of "essence and quality", "magnification", "minimization", "allegory" may be formed. Keywords
Revelation, Dream, Imaginary Power, Expression of Dream, Interpretation.
Shokrollahi N, Amiri K. Relationship between Revelation and Dream
in Verses and Hadiths. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2020; 16 (63) :73-92 URL: http://andishe.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-1582-en.html