1- Assistant professo University of the Quranic Sciences 2- Associate professor University of Tehran
Abstract: (1900 Views)
Richard Bell considers the Qur'an to be the product of the Prophet's personal experiences and thoughts on the spiritual poverty of the people of Mecca. This study has given a critical consideration on Bell`s view on the nature of revelation and prophecy analytically and descriptively. The research findings show that Richard Bell considers the nature of revelation as discovery and intuition and believes in the revelation`s state of being influenced by the culture of the time and in non-speech state of the Qur'anic words. And again, in the field of prophecy, he has given argument against infallibility of the Prophet in receiving and communicating revelation. He has viewed for the Prophets not being a Jewish, a Christian and ummi. Bell`s view is refuted by Shiite priciples of thought and as viewed by Shiites, the Quranic text, like its maaref, has been revealed from God and, contrary to what he said, the Prphet is taken as being infallible in receiving revelation and communicating it. Keywords
Richard Bell, Quranic Revelation, Prophethood of the Prophet, Shiite Principles, Culture of the Time.
Ghanbarpour M, Raad A. A Critical Study of Richard Bell's Views on Revelation and Prophecy with an Emphasis on Shiite Theological Principles. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2020; 16 (63) :29-52 URL: http://andishe.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-1623-en.html