:: Volume 18, Issue 71 (winter 2022) ::
2022, 18(71): 45-64 Back to browse issues page
An Analytical Study of the Proof of Awareness of Knowledge of God's Existence with an Emphasis on the Views of Three Contemporary Philosophers
Mohammad Javad Asghari 1, Fatemeh Sadat Faqihi2
1- Assistant professor of Philosophy of reiligion, Baqir al-Olum University, asgharii51@gmail.com
2- The fourth level degree of Hawzah in transcendent philosophy, mohsengmirus@gmail.com
Abstract:   (837 Views)
The proof of awareness is one of the contemporary proofs of the existence of God. This argument relies on the fact that the emergence of consciousness in the world needs an explanation and scientific explanation is not enough for it. It deals with the theistic explanation of this phenomenon. This argument has been presented in modern times by three theistic philosophers named Richard Swinburne, Robert Adams and JP Moreland in defense of theism. This article tries to provide a detailed conceptualization of consciousness and its types, and, then, examines the various interpretations of the above-mentioned philosophers about the proof of the consciousness of God's existence with an analytical-critical method. The problem discussed in this research, therefore, is the analysis of the what of the proof of the knowledge of the existence of God, which is done by examining the viewpoints of the three contemporary philosophers. The explanation and defense of a new argument among the traditional arguments on the existence of God and the proof of the impossibility of explaining the consciousness based on materialistic views are the findings and results of the present research.
Keywords: Proof of Consciousness, Existence of God, Richard Swinburne, Robert Adams, Moreland, John Locke
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: کلام جدید
Received: 2022/03/6 | Accepted: 2023/02/21 | Published: 2023/02/25 | ePublished: 2023/02/25

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Volume 18, Issue 71 (winter 2022) Back to browse issues page