The issue of recognizing human needs and responding correctly to them in various dimensions, physical, spiritual, social, and so on, is among the topics related to anthropology and theology, which perhaps can be said that all the commands of the Islamic religion have been issued in order to respond to them in all dimensions of his existence. The research method in this study is a documentary and qualitative method examined with descriptive and analytical methods of Islamic sources. The findings of the research show that human needs, like the principle of his existence, have a hierarchy that goes back to four aspects: his vegetative, animal, rational, and faith-based soul. Each of the four aspects of the human soul has specific needs of which some most important cases have been studied in this article. The need for growth in the vegetative soul; the need for pleasure in the sensual soul. The need for wisdom in the rational soul and the need for satisfaction in the believing soul are among those explained based on the verses and narrations. Keywords: Levels of Needs, Human Needs, Human Soul, Islam, Psychology.
Type of Study: Research |
Subject: Special Received: 2022/10/28 | Accepted: 2025/01/20