1- Assistant professor, Islamic Maaref University, a.nabavian134@chmail.ir 2- Associate professor, University of Mazandaran, a.bakhshandehbali@umz.ac.ir
Abstract: (611 Views)
In the verses and traditions, some praiseworthy and valuable attributes are attributed to God Almighty. In addition to that, a group of negative and anti-value attributes that do not fit with the Divine Essence are found in it; as an example, the attributes of Wisdom and Justice have a positive value, and attributes such as cunning, mockery, and deception, which were attributed to God in the Holy Quran, are anti-values. The research problem of this article is to explain how to fit between the negative attributes and absolute perfection of God Almighty, which will be analyzed in this article with the descriptive-analytical method of the view of Muslim sages. The conclusion of the research is summarized in two results. First, the stative attributes are the attributes of actions and the characteristics of creatures, not of the Essence of God Almighty. The second, the stative attributes only have the ground for being anti-value and they are not always and necessarily anti-value because they follow God's Wisdom and Justice and their attribution to God Almighty is in line with the absolute perfection of God's nature. Keywords: Goodness and Badness, Negative Attribute, Attributes of the Essence, Attributes of Action, justice.
Nabavian S A, Bakhshandebali A. Examining the Philosophical and Theological Views of the Negative Attributes Related to God Almighty. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2024; 20 (76) :141-152 URL: http://andishe.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-2647-en.html