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The Extent of Hypocrites, Polytheists and Infidels` Capability to Attract Divine Mercy from the Perspective of the Holy Qur'an (A Reflection on the Theory of Cessation of the Hereafter Punimentsh)
Hamid Naderi Qahfarrokhi
Assistant professor, Shahrekord University, Hamid.naderi@sku.ac.ir
Abstract:   (203 Views)
Some researchers believe that the eternity of the hereafter is not compatible with God's mercy; Therefore, khulud does not mean eternity, but a long time. Against this view, the question is raised that "do all people have the ability to absorb divine mercy for salvation?" "The human intellect`s lack of access to the necessary prerequisites to form an argument and prove all the details of the Resurrection", "the reliability of the Holy Quran in informing about these details" etc. show that it is necessary to examine this question from the perspective of the Holy Quran. An analytical study of the verses related to the hypocrites' repentance shows that despite God's merciful treatment with them, after repentance they will be with the believers, not among the believers. Also, despite God's absolute mercy to them, God absolutely declares in verses that He does not forgive polytheists and disbelievers. The analysis of why these two groups of verses indicate that hypocrites, polytheists and unbelievers do not have the capability to receive God's mercy to change their nature.
Keywords: The Extent of God's Mercy, the Non-Temporality of Criminals` Torment, the Repentance of Hypocrites, the End of the Punishment of Infidels and Polytheists, God's Forgiveness.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: کلام قدیم
Received: 2024/04/8 | Accepted: 2024/06/27
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فصلنامه علمی اندیشه نوین دینی A Research Quarterly in Islamic Theology (kalam) and Religious Studies
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