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XML A study of exegetico-mystical views on pure Imam`s knowledge
Mohammad Zaman Rostami
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Divine prophets` purity of action in great revealedBooks
Mohammad Kaveh
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Imamate comparatively studiedin two philosophico-theological approaches
Morteza Yoosofirad
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Ethical teleology and social responsibility; two traditions of teleological ethics
Mahdi baratalipour
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML A critical study on AllamehTabatabaee`s explanation of SeddiqinProof
Moammad Ebrahimi Rad
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Fakhraddin al-Razi on the harmony between reason and faith
Gholamhosein Javadpoor
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML Rationality in disorders of human life
Ahmad Mirhoseini
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
XML An account of Aristotle`s ethical middle term
Mariyeh SeyyedQorayshi, Zahra Mstafavi, Qasemali Koochenani
Abstract  -  چکیده -   Full Text (PDF)
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فصلنامه علمی اندیشه نوین دینی A Research Quarterly in Islamic Theology (kalam) and Religious Studies
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