1- Phd of Islamic Sciences from Islamic Maaref University 2- Associate professor at Islamic Thought and Culture Institute
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Abstract: One of the important rules that has long been considered by philosophers is that of " wajib ul-wujud wajibun min jami`i l-jihat"; transcendent philosophy pays special attention to this principle and treats it differently from predecessors. This paper with a descriptive-analytical approach, examines the meaning, proofs and philosophical implications of this rule as may be found in the transcendent philosophy. And following this study, it has been proven that Mulla Sadra, in addition to the theological consequences of this rule which had been neglected before him, has substantiated the contents of the rule with a new and different reasoning from the predecessors, and in addition to the fruits counted by predecessor scholars, has based the sameness of the Divne essence and attributes on it. have It has been mentioned in the past that it has used this principle of the essence of perfection. This article also focuses on the new arguments put forward by the commentators of transcendent philosophy in the field and their responses to the drawbacks of the rule arguments. Keywords: Necessity, perfectionism, objectivity, simplicity, possibility, combination
Khaki A T, Oshshaqi H. A Study of the Rule Wajib ul-Wujud Wajibun min Jami`i l-Jihat as a Proof for the Divine Essence and Attributes to Be One and the Same Thing. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2019; 15 (58) :113-126 URL: http://andishe.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-1011-en.html