1- Phd student Baqir al-Olum University 2- AM Baqir al-Olum University
Abstract: (2391 Views)
One of the most important issues of purgatory and resurrection is that of the embodiment of deeds, which has been discussed by philosophers, theologians and commentators. The question of the research is whether the embodiment of deeds means that all the rewards and punishments of purgatory and the hereafter are the same worldly deeds of man that are embodied and exemplified for him/her in different ways in the hereafter, or that there is no resemblance between the punishment of action and action itself but man will be rewarded or punished in the Hereafter for what he does in this world. Sheikh Baha'i and Allameh have two different and contradictory views on the embodiment of actions. In this article, by examining and explaining the views of these two prominent scholars on verses, narrations and rational arguments related to the embodiment of deeds, we have achieved the following results: Sheikh Baha'i believes in the sameness of the worldly deeds and the punishment of the hereafter. While Allameh Majlisi not views those believing in the embodiment of deeds as being outside the religion and the circle of Islam only, but, presenting various reasons, he considers its occurrence impossible also. Keywords: Embodiment of Deeds, Verses, Narrations, Sheikh Baha'i, Allama Majlisi.
Eslami Nasab H A, Parsaee J, Maʿdanipour V. The Embodiment of Deeds, Tajassum-i A`māl, from Sheikh Baha'i and Allameh Majlisi`s Point of View. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2020; 16 (62) :79-98 URL: http://andishe.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-1042-en.html