Assistant Professor of Islamic Teachings at Shiraz University
Abstract: (3055 Views)
Positivism, whether it be Conte’s or logical, purports to have the sole monopoly of episteme in relation to tangible and nonsensical issues or meaninglessness of concepts as well as metaphysical matters including philosophical, religious and ethical ones. This school fails to account for the origin of concepts and of judgments and the realm of knowledge, and takes its road to skepticism in the human epistemological processes and dimensions. However, Sadra’s philosophy has been able to explain concept- and judgment- related laws via its profound intellectual precision concerning the notion of knowledge in addition to final criteria to define knowledge and its standards to divide into the knowledge by presence and knowledge by acquisition. Based on this school of thought, concept- and judgment- related knowledge types have their roots both in sense-data and meta-sensory origins. Consequently, meta-sensory notions and propositions including religious and ethical knowledge lend themselves to comprehension, explanation and verification. The present study explored the afore-mentioned axes from the viewpoint of both schools on the basis of verdicts in both schools’ sources, and afterwards presented values and reasoning of religious and meta-sensory knowledge in Sadra’s philosophy with utmost meaning. Keywords
Knowledge, Sadra’s philosophy, positivism, presential knowledge, concept, judgment, meaningfulness, religious propositions.
Sharifani M. Comparative Investigation of Knowledge Structure in Positivism and Sadra’s Philosophy. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2019; 15 (57) :135-144 URL: