1- Associate professor at Baqir al-Olum University 2- Phd student at Islamic Maaref University
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Abstract: In Sadra's epistemological system, the relation of innate knowledge to other human perceptions is of such a particular importance as he refers to it as the starting point and the head of knowledge. Sadr al-Mutallahi has applied innate knowledge to the realm of the knowledge by correspondence and the knowledge by presence in two closely related meanings. In this system, knowledge is of the nature of existence, and ruled by the laws of existence. Therefore, any epistemic knowledge with a primordial grade of existence is known to be prior to other human perceptions. Non-naturalistic epistemological and ontological epistemologies are based on natural knowledge really and objectively. On the one hand, according to unity of the knowing and the known, human soul becomes united and perfected in its substantial movement is united with perceptions and grows. Therefore, based on the principles of Sadrian wisdom and using a descriptive-analytic method, it can be concluded that the relation of innate knowledge in both domains of correspondence knowledge and presence knowledge is interpreted in relation to the upward movement of the soul and their relation is based on the grades of the soul. Keywords: Presence Inner Knowledge, Correspondence Inner Knowledge, Sadra Epistemology, Inner Knowledge.
Musavi S M, Haddadi Z. Comparison of Human Indigenous Knowledge with Other Perceptions in Sadr al-Mutuallihn's Epistemological System. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2019; 15 (59) :77-88 URL: http://andishe.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-1142-en.html