1- Assistant professo AJA University of Command and Staff 2- Phd Shahid Beheshti University
Abstract: (1903 Views)
The problem of the present research is to explain the position of women in the thought and practice of contemporary Salafi currents. The method of the study is a causal and library-based one. The problem of this research can be solved with regard to three points: 1. a study of the court Salafi that regulates its jurisprudential views with the strategies of the government, industrial jurisprudence and expediency, that is the precedence of political expediency over religious rules; 2. a study of the jihadist Salafi movement, which, with its uncommon fatawa, while criticizing the official Salafism, has a jurisprudentially centrifugal view on the issue of women and 3. a study of the reformative Salafism which jurisprudentially viewed, its rules are in accordance to the taste of Shari'a and relies on fiqhi maqasidi, purpose-based jurisprudence. This view remains faithful to Shari'a and refrains from extremist and inhumanistic views in the field. The findings of the study emphasize the categorization of these views according to the validity of the type of jurisprudential view. In such a way that, despite their being common in the principles of epistemology, ontology and anthropology, in fiqhi maqasidi and fiqhi sana`ti, technical jurisprudence, different views towards women have been formed, influenced by socio-cultural status and historical geographical destiny. Keywords Woman, Jihadi Salafism, Court Salafism, Reformative Salafism, Thought.
Imani Vali A, Ahmadvand M. An Explanatory Study of the Position of Women
in the Thought of Contemporary Salafi Currents. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2021; 17 (64) :171-192 URL: http://andishe.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-1607-en.html