1- Associate professor Semnan University 2- Assistant professo Shahid Madani University 3- AM Semnan University
Abstract: (1541 Views)
The purpose of this article is to explain Ibn Arabī's view on the satisfaction of the Lord with regard to the vassal, especially the reasons for God's satisfaction toward Ismā`īl (as). This research has been written in a descriptive-analytical method and based on the Ismaili faṣṣ of Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam. The findings of the research show that Ibn Arabī considers the attribute riḍā, satisfaction, in the human field as a part of the statins, maqāmāt, for some people and a part of the states, aḥwāl, for some other. But the attribute in the case of God is a Divine Attribute and is subject to His Attributes. The focus of Ibn Arabī's view on the causes of the Divine Satisfaction regarding the Prophet Ismā`īl (as) is based on the rule of manifestation and his knowledge of God. He considers Hazrat Ismā`il as the case of Divine satisfaction for his knowledge of the subject, his worthiness and his state of being sadiq al-wa`d, Keywords: Ibn Arabī, Riḍā, the Lord, Vassal, Hazrat Ismā`īl (as).
Hamzeian A, Khademi S, Lotfi Takami F. An Analysis of the Ismā`il Faṣṣ of Fuṣūṣ al- ḥikam (“The Bezels of Wisdom”) of Ibn Arabī about the Lord's Satisfaction of the Vassal. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2021; 17 (66) :129-148 URL: http://andishe.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-1718-en.html