Assistant professor, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad,
Abstract: (957 Views)
In order to objectify the meaning of life, Allameh Jaafari and Frankel suggest certain practical mechanisms based on the principles and foundations of their school of thought. The research problem in this fundamental research, which is a library research method and with an analytical-descriptive approach, is to examine the practical working procedures of Allameh Jafari as an Islamic semanticist philosopher and Frankel as a psychologist who created the style of semantic therapy. The findings of the research show that Allameh Jaafari, based on religious, rational and conscientious principles and methods, by planning the three stages and principles of exalting the soul, transcendence-giving principles and negative principles, explains the ways for the realization of reasonable life to give meaning to life. Relying on experimental and psychological principles and methods, Frankel proposes three approaches: empirical values, creative values and attitudinal values to realize meaningfulness through love, conscience, truth of the soul, self-awareness, responsibility and choice-based state. Keywords: Objectification, Jaafari, Frankel, Approaches, Principles.
Karimi A Q. The Ways to Objectify the Meaning of Life from the Point of View of Dr. Frankel and Allameh Jaafari. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2022; 18 (71) :139-158 URL: