1- Assistant professo Malayer University 2- AM Malayer University
Abstract: (1467 Views)
One of the main foundations of modern thought is the concept of freedom. Although there is no common approach among modern thinkers in this regard, they all agree on the influence of classical liberalism, especially in the view of John Stuart Mill. Mill is one of the founding thinkers of modern liberalism, which, on the basis of utilitarianism, believes in the absolute freedom of the individual. His thought relies on the foundations of the modern age, such as subjectivism, pluralism, secularism, and humanism. These principles, with the theological approach of the modern age, lead to consequences such as anti-traditionalism, humanism, and so on. According to the principles of Islam, the idea of Mill and his intellectual foundations face serious challenges. He aims at freedom itself, which is a kind of view against the laws of life and degrades human transcendent morality and causes a kind of corruption and emptiness in society and the individual. In this research, with the descriptive-analytical method, first we propose the idea of Mill and then with the critical analytical method we critique his theory based on the intellectual system of Professor Mohammad Taqi Jafari. Keywords: Freedom, Individual Freedom, Responsible Freedom, Subjectivism, Humanism, Secularism, John Stuart Mill, Allameh Jafari.
Rajabi A, Shamsollahi S H. A Critical Analysis of Philosophic0-Theological Foundations of John Stuart Mill's Theory of Freedom Based on the Opinions of Allama Jafari. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2021; 17 (65) :159-182 URL: http://andishe.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-1977-en.html