Assistant professor, Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy,
Abstract: (760 Views)
The main issue of this research is to identify and introduce an innovative version of the Seddiqin proof for the existence of God, which was proposed by one of the Imami theologians named Nasir al-Din Kashani Helli, but has not received enough attention so far. In this article, using the analytical-descriptive method, the above-mentioned interpretation of Sadiqin's argument is introduced and analyzed. Identifying the various arguments derived from Kashani's original interpretation of Seddiqin proof in the history of Imami theology and explaining the impact of this interpretation on the proofs of theology of other Imami theologians, as well as negating the attribution of the aforementioned interpretation to Khwaja Nasir al-Din Tusi, include the results and findings of the article. Keywords: Sadiqin's Proof, Proving the Existence of God, Nasir al-Din Kashani, Nasir al-Din Tusi, Imamiyyah.
Ata`i Nazari H. Nasir al-Din Kashani's Original Proof of Saddiqin and Its Reflections in Imami Theology. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2022; 18 (70) :7-26 URL: