Assistant professor, Farhangian University,
Abstract: (619 Views)
The discussion of the essence and the shell of religion is one of the topics of "Philosophy of Religion". About the meaning of "essence" and "shell" of religion, various theories have been proposed, which have influenced the wide and narrow scope of religion, often of a minimal view of religion. The essence and shell of religion means "essentials" versus "accidents", "truth" versus "skin and shell", "principle" versus "branch", "what forming participation" versus "what forming deference", "far goal" versus "primary and intermediate goals" are the theories that have been examined in this article with analytical and library-based methods. The weaknesses of their arguments are revealed, and then the theory of "faith as the gem of religions" has been explained as an acceptable theory. Considering the essence of "faith" and considering its related aspects, the extent of religion is the radius of those things that need to be believed in, that is, all the things that were revealed by the Almighty God to the beloved Prophet of Islam (s) and by the Prophet has been notified to us. Keywords: Gem, Shell, Religion, Realm of Religion, Faith.
Ramazani A. A Critical Study of the Semantic Aspects of "Essence" and "Shell" of Religion As an Effective Factor in the Scope of Religion. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2023; 19 (72) : 10 URL: