Associate professor, University of Religions and Denominations,
Abstract: (1024 Views)
One of the more reasonable indicators for introducing sciences is the reflection of the historical developments of each science, because the researchers present a clearer horizon, a wider perspective and a deeper understanding of it. Therefore, the evolutions and developments of each period of the history of theology, ilmi kalam, should be seen in the light of showing the causes and factors of the evolution. Considering contemporary theologian`s notable attentions to the topics, thoughts, approaches and especially the history of theology, it is deserved to talk about the transformative factors of this period in particular. In the performed research, although theological changes and developments have been mentioned, but it seems that this essay is an independent pioneering work in representing the transformational factors in the contemporary Imamiyya theology. Such beeing the case, the following text is based on a descriptive and historical report of contemporary intellectual currents, to represent and discuss the role of their transformation and development in the word and show the importance, necessity and care for the history of theology more than before.
Keywords: Currents of Thought, Contemporary, History of Kalam, Theological Developments, Contemporary Kalam, Imamiyya Kalam
Nadem M H. The Role of Contemporary Iranian Intellectual Currents in the Evolution of Imamiyyah Theology. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2023; 19 (74) :125-142 URL: