1- Phd student of Rational Principles of Islam, tajally72@gmail.com 2- Phd of Rational Principles of Islam, University of Tehran, norozialireza276@yahoo.com 3- Assiatant professor, University of Tehran, mirdamadi_77@ut.ac.ir
Abstract: (1329 Views)
In addition to biology, the theory of "evolution" created a huge revolution in various fields such as worldview and ethics. Darwin did not seek theological and philosophical conclusions of evolution, but his view became the basis for an atheistic interpretation of creation, which was based on the random formation of the order of the world. At the same time, theists and supporters of the "intelligent design" theory, with different modeling, show the astonishing insignificance of the possibility of random evolution and even its impossibility. The central issue of this article is to investigate the possibility of random formation of information in the DNA of organisms in the modern evolutionary synthesis. The current research is focused on the problems of the random creation of genetic information with the method of systematic and descriptive analysis and with the analytical statement of the stages of the evolution theory, and by critically examining the latest readings of evolution in the Western world, while rereading the "logical" and "psychological" certainty, it presents an innovative explanation of "cumulative reasoning" through which the logical certainty of the existence of a supreme origin and "intelligent design" beyond the wonderful order of the universe is proven. In fact, this essay examines the theological and philosophical elements of evolution.
Keywords: Darwin, Evolution, DNA, Genetic Information, Probability Calculus, Intelligent Design, Cumulative Reasoning
Najafi H, Noroozi A, Mirdamadi S M. Evaluating the Theory of "Evolution" Based on New Experimental Achievements
.. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2023; 19 (74) :143-166 URL: http://andishe.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-2440-en.html