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Convergence and divergence of the anthropological foundations of the Umayyad movement with the approach of true Islam
Roqayye Yazdani1 , Sayyed Ruhollah Parhizghari2
1- Phd student, Islamic maaref University. roogayehyazdani@gmail.com
2- Assistant Professor, Islamic maaref University. parhizkari@maaref.ac.ir.
Abstract:   (77 Views)
According to the principles of Islamic anthropology, the perfect human being and the vicegerent of Allah has a special place in the system of existence, but other schools of thought, due to their lack of connection with the metaphysical world and the limitations of insight that beset them, face shortcomings and limitations in this regard. Therefore, there are major differences in the anthropological foundations of true Islam compared to other schools. The issue and goal of this research is to explain the anthropological foundations of the Umayyad movement - as a false Islamic movement - and then to identify its points of convergence and divergence with the foundations of true Islam and the extent of their distinction and deviation. Therefore, by using library data and based on the descriptive-analytical research method, first the anthropological foundations and assumptions of the Umayyads such as determinism, denial of human dignity, irrationalism, denial of the principle of equality, life after death, etc. are processed and then the aforementioned issues are compared and evaluated with the Islamic view of man. From the study and analysis of the aforementioned foundations, it was found that the anthropological foundations derived from the Umayyad movement have fundamental differences from the anthropological foundations of true Islam. Therefore, the achievement of the present article, based on historical evidence and data, speaks of a deep transformation in the beliefs and foundations of Umayyad anthropology.
Keywords: Anthropological foundations, Umayyads, Islam, divergence and convergence

Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/06/11 | Accepted: 2025/02/15
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فصلنامه علمی اندیشه نوین دینی A Research Quarterly in Islamic Theology (kalam) and Religious Studies
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