1- Phd student, University of Qom, smh_kashani1365@yahoo.com 2- Professor, University of Qom, alibedashti@gmail.com 3- Associate professor, University of Qom, ahmadabedi140@gmail.com
Abstract: (310 Views)
Many Islamic theologians and thinkers believe that miracles provide knowledge in proving the claim of the prophets. However, they have wide differences in the how of signifying and epistemological validity. In the meantime, the majority of them are of the opinion that the signification of a miracle is evident and certain, and to prove it, they have turned to various proofs, including the "proof of wisdom". Although this reason has been given attention by Islamic theologians and thinkers with numerous interpretations and explanations, and it has been considered free of any problems, but it seems that there are challenges in the way of proving it, which have remained unanswered in at least some cases. Based on this, with the library research method, the problem of explaining this reason and evaluating the unspoken challenges around it has been examined. The findings of the research show that it is not possible to use the reason of wisdom alone to prove demonstrative state of miracles` proof. Keywords: The Signification of Miracle, the Proof of Wisdom, Knowledge Giving, Rational Good and badness, Demonstrative Signification.
Hosseini Kashani S M, Allah Bedashti A, Abedi A. A Reflection on the Application of "the Proof of Wisdom" in Proving the Signification of Miracles as a Demonstration. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2024; 20 (78) :7-28 URL: http://andishe.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-2688-en.html