1- Assistant professor at Islamic Maaref University 2- Phd student of Islamic Philosophy and Theology at University of Qom
Abstract: (2696 Views)
The seventh verse of Surah Al `Imran has given a division of all the Quranic verses into those entirely clear and those not entirely clear and knowledge of their hermeneutics; the meaning of the verse has been the case of disagreement for the Quranic commentators and theologians. Some have viewed the word mutashabih to means not understandable and mysterious. The present study with a descriptive-analytical method has centered on the semantics of mutashabih of the verse and tries to survey its being a sign for mysterious state of the Quranic language as viewed by Ibn Taimiyyah and his being influenced by Salaf, particularly by Ahmad Ibn Hanbal. Ibn Taimiyyah is known as an influential and well-known figure in the world of Islam. Some contemporary currents as Salafism and Wahhabism have been affected by his thought and this is the most notable reason for rereading and studying their mental and scientific principles. Gathering and summarizing Ibn Taimiyyah`s view from the original sources and cohering it in a new structure and showing his being influenced by Ahmad ibn Hanbal in his view is one of the remarkable particulariy of this work. Ibn Taimiyyah, while rejecting any mysterious state of the Quranic language in the allegorical verses, has viewed aforementioned views as misunderstanding the word mutashabih and and confusing the meanings of interpretation. Keywords
The Language of the Quran, the Language of Religion, Mysteiousness, Imperceptible, Misleading, Thought Stopping.
Rajabi A, Ehteshamkia H. A Survey of the Allegorical Verses in the Holy Quran and Its Semantical Objections as Viewed by Ibn Taimiyyah. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2019; 15 (57) :57-70 URL: http://andishe.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-741-en.html