1- Phd student Islamic Allameh Tabataba`I University 2- Associate professor at Payame Noor University
Abstract: (2666 Views)
Abstract: One of the issues discussed in most schools is that of reincarnation. Sheikh Ishraq and Mulla Sadra have also studied it in details. The purpose of this study is to analyze the reincarnation of Sheikh Eshraq with regard to the foundations and arguments of Mulla Sadra. Although Sheikh Eshraq did not express his opinion on reincarnation clearly, but based on arguments such as his belief in celestial reincarnation, belief in suspended souls, and appearance of human soul in the same time as human body, the rejection of two types of ascending and similar reincarnation is established in his view, though it is not easy to dismiss the downward reincarnation on his view. Mulla Sadra, in his argument of receptivity and activity, as well as the argument of upward movement, holds that the commonly termed reincarnation is absolutely invalid, while accepting the reincarnation of heaven. When studying Sheikh Eshraq's views with regard to Mulla Sadra's foundations and arguments, Sheikh Eshraq's views would be exposed to challange. It must be said, however, that this conclusion can be attained by careful reflection on the works of Sheikh Eshraq. The research method in this paper is descriptive-analytical. Keywords: Ascending Reincarnation, Descending Reincarnation, Celestial Reincarnation, Sheikh Eshraq, Mulla Sadra.
Jamshidi Z, Akhlaqi M, Mohammadi N, Delafkar A. A Comparative Study of Reincarnation from the View of Sheikh Eshraq and Mulla Sadra with a Critical Approach to That of Former. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2019; 15 (59) :117-130 URL: http://andishe.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-836-en.html