1- Phd student of the history of Islam 2- Associate professor at Tarbiat Modares University
Abstract: (3831 Views)
From the early years of the emergence of Islam and its spreading in the Christian lands, a different positions was taken against Islam, and especially against the Prophet (s) most of which were in the form of struggle. After the seventeenth century when the Qur'an has been translated into European languages and the teaching circles for Arabic languages were estalished, to some extent a more balanced view to the Prophet`s life was provided. The appearance of colonization1`s hegemony in the ninth century and early of the tenth, however, created new researchrs to prepare their colonialist states` purposes. William Muir is one of the most important representatives of colonialism, whose book "The Life of Mahomet", is included among the sources used by those studying Islam. In this article, after expressing Muir's views on revelation, the authors, using rational arguments and verification of narratives, have criticised his view. It has been made clear that Muir has tended to the false narratives and, eliminating some of the traditions and reversing their meaning, he has based his view the basis of his mental presupposition. Keywords
William Muir, Prophet Muhammad (s), Revelation, Islam.
Sirousi R, Janahmadi F. A Critical Study of William Muir`s View on the Revelation to the Prophet of Islam. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2019; 15 (57) :31-42 URL: http://andishe.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-924-en.html