Associate professor, Imam Khomeini Research and Education Institute,
Abstract: (860 Views)
Humans have a natural desire for survival and immortality. God Almighty has also given humans eternal life, which will be realized in the Hereafter. On the other hand, a pious person should be eager to meet God in the Hereafter. In the meantime, how to reconcile the desire for a longer life, even though it is accompanied by obedience in this world, with the desire to meet God in the Hereafter, is considered one of the challenging issues. The purpose of this article is to answer this problem with a rational and narrative method. There are rational and narrative evidences for the two. After stating the basics and prerequisites to answer this question, the author comes to the conclusion that praying for a longer life to serve God Almighty is a valuable thing and its lack is considered a defect.
Keywords: Prayer, Longevity, Desirability, Obedience, Sin, Intention.
Faryab M H. Proportion-Measuring of Man`s Desire to Meet God with Regard to His Desire to Longevity. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2023; 19 (74) :27-44 URL: