1- Phd student of philosophy of religion, Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute, Me.goudarzi@yahoo.com 2- Associate professor, Imam Khomeini Education and Research Institute, mjafari125@yahoo.com
Abstract: (1148 Views)
Thinkers have different views on the relationship between reason and religion. In the book Defending Rationality, Mr. Mardiha believes in the precedence of reason over religion in all fields and offers various reasons for his claim. In the discussion of reason and in proving prophecy, he rejected the weakness of reason; In the discussion of reason and truth of the Prophet, he emphasized the precedence of reason over religion, viewed reason only as an instrument and considered all other sources, even revelation, as being dependent on it. Therefore, he did not accept religious knowledge and rejected usuliyun`s view of reason. The main findings of the research, performed by the rational and narrative method may be counted as:1. Instrumental reason differs from reason as a source intellect. Reason acknowledges its weakness and helps the seeker of revelation. In general, reason; 2. The latter has confessed its weakness and seeks support of revelation; 3. One may agree the presedence of reason partly not in all cases; 4. The intellect is taken as a source with regard to essential goodness and badness and coexistence of the intellect and the revelation, and it is an instrument beside others for attaining knowledge. One, regarding getting religious knowledge from various sources, may speak of religious knowledge. Keywords: Instrumental Reason, Reason as a Source, Reason and Religion, Strong Rationalism.