1- Phd, Almustafa International University, Ahmadi.amin2009@gmail.com 2- Assistant professor, University of Quranic Studies and Sciences, shoaei@quran.ac.ir
Abstract: (90 Views)
The views of Shiites and Sunnis on popular uprisings against tyrannical rulers are different and sometimes opposite. These differences are rooted in the differences in their theological foundations regarding the caliphate. Undoubtedly, the justification of Muslims on this issue is one of the factors of honor, authority, and the cohesion of the Islamic society. In this descriptive-analytical study, an attempt is made to explain the views and arguments of Shiite and Sunni scholars on the legitimacy of the government, as well as to examine their views on popular uprisings against tyrannical rulers. The findings of the study show that most Sunni scholars, relying on the narrations, consider force and domination as one of the ways to legitimize the government, and for this reason, they do not consider popular uprisings against tyrannical rulers permissible. In contrast, Shiite thinkers, citing verses and narrations, consider standing up to and rising up against an oppressive ruler as an example of enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and as a result, they consider rising up against an oppressive ruler not only permissible but also obligatory. Keywords: Legitimacy of Uprising, Unjust Rulers, Fariqain, Revolution, Rebellion, Domination and Force.
Type of Study: Research |
Subject: Special Received: 2024/09/22 | Accepted: 2025/01/12