1- Assistant professor, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman. 2- Associate professor, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman.
Abstract: (1527 Views)
Contrary to the views of most Islamic philosophers and theologians on the subject of revelation, Nasr Hamed Abu Zayd (representative of the neo-Mu'tazilites) sometimes takes revelation as a synonymous for inspiration and sometimes regard it as a kind of religious experience. In this way, he strengthen agent role of the Prophet in revelation and, claiming its discoursive state and impressionability of current culture, justifies the historicity of the Qur'an. The question of the present research has been regarded as: what are the intellectual and narrative objections against his claims, especially against has claim of authenticity of the Prophet's agency and the discoursive state and historicity of the Qur'an? In the present study, examining the two views mentioned comparatively by descriptive and analytical method, we reach the following findings: the divinity of both the content and the words of revelation, the impressionable role of the Prophet in the process of revelation, the transhistorical nature of the Qur'an; the invalidity of the claim of discoursive state and the historicity of the Qur'an due to the contradiction of its principles and supplies with the indisputable rational principles (extra-religious arguments) and opposition to the narrated arguments (intra-religious arguments). Keywords
The Historicity of the Qur'an, the Discourse of Revelation, the Origin of Prophetic Revelation, the Revlatory Experience, Nasr Hamed Abu Zayd, Neo-Mu'tazilites.
Nik Tab`a Ata`ati S, Mohammad Hosseinzadeh A. The Agent of Prophetic Revelation in the Theory of the Historicity of the Qur'an (with an Emphasis on Nasr Hamed Abu Zayd`s View). ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2021; 17 (67) :157-176 URL: http://andishe.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-1911-en.html