1- Assiastant professor, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, taher.karimzadeh@gmail.com 2- AM student of Islamic studies, Shahid Beheshti University, shirekhodareza@gmail.com 3- Assistant professor, Shahid Beheshti University, e_noei@sbu.ac.ir
Abstract: (662 Views)
The Imami commentators and theologians have relied on verses from the Holy Quran to prove the doctrine of Bada`. From his point of view, some of the verses indicate the possibility of bada's occurrence, some others condemn the opponents of bada', and the third category indicates the occurrence of bada' in previous nations. Among these, the verses of the third category have the most argumentative value. Among the verses of the third category, which have been disputed by both supporters and opponents, are verses 142 of A`raaf and 51 of Baqarah, which are known as the verses of Miqat of the Prophet Moses. The problem of the present research is to investigate the implication or lack of implication of Miqat's verses on Bada' and its purpose is to investigate the extent and manner of the implication of these verses on the proof of Bada'. For this purpose, the opinions of supporters and opponents of Bada'i interpretation of these verses have been studied in a descriptive-analytical way. The analysis of bada`i and non-bada`i interpretations and the confirmation of the latter based on the reasons and evidence mentioned in the research are among its findings. Keywords: Bada`, Verses of Miqat, Prophet Moses' Miqat, Examples of Bada`, Divine Will, God's Knowledge, God's Promise.
Karimzadeh T, Shirkhoda R, Noei E. Examining the Implications of Miqat's Verses on Bada. ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2023; 19 (75) :165-176 URL: http://andishe.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-2541-en.html