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Criticism and evaluation of the inductive presentation of Schellenberg's divine hiddenness argument from the perspective of religious experience
Yaser Hashemi 1, Ahmad Valiee Abarquei2
1- Ph.D of Field: Teachings Islamic studies Branch: Theoretical foundations of Islam, Islamic Maaref University
2- Ph.D of Field: Teachings Islamic studies Branch: Theoretical foundations of Islam, University of Tehran, Farabi Pardis Qom.
Abstract:   (221 Views)
Research issue: Schellenberg believes that as the main premise of the proof of the divine concealment in its inductive form, if God, which monotheistic religions claim to exist, really exists and has attributes such as unlimited love and affection towards his servants, he must be much higher than the love of a mother. show the child and have it in the first way; Although he is aware of the wandering of humans in search of their God and has the ability to remove any obstacles in this regard, despite this, divine disappearance has occurred many times.
As a result, there is basically no such god with such attributes. In this regard, religious experiences, since many people do not have them, and even if they have them, they lack epistemological value, they cannot be placed in the position of a sign to prove the existence of God.
Research method: This article aims to criticize his inductive reading of the proof of divine concealment from the perspective of religious experience with an analytical-documentary method and based on an epistemological approach. Findings of the research: It is shown by the investigation of different types of religious experiences that certain types of religious experiences have epistemological value; Especially the cases that are from the tradition of present knowledge and establish direct knowledge about transcendental truths.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: کلام جدید
Received: 2024/02/23 | Accepted: 2024/04/6
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فصلنامه علمی اندیشه نوین دینی A Research Quarterly in Islamic Theology (kalam) and Religious Studies
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