1- Phd student of Islamic Philosophy and theology, Shiraz University, zkalhor93@gmail.com 2- Assistant prpfessor of Islamic Philosophy and theology, Shiraz University, mbabbasi@rose.shirazu.ac.ir
Abstract: (861 Views)
According to Ibn Sina, beauty is pure existence and perfection, and knowledge is one of the existential attributes and perfections. With the realization of Its Beautiful Nature, the Essence of God becomes Happy through the Essence and this Love and Enjoyment becomes the cause for creatures. The authors of this research, using the descriptive-critical method and with the approach of linguistic analysis and hermeneutics of the Shiite scholars of usul, seek to find an answer to the problem that in the Avicenna`s theology, what may be taken as the relationship between the two Divine Attributes, Knowledge and Beauty from one side and between the two Attributes and Divine Essence from othe side? And again, What effect does the relationship of these two have on our view to Avicenna theology? The findings of the research show that the appearance of Ibn Sina's expressions in explaining the quality of the relationship between Attributes and Essence, especially in the case of the two mentioned Attributes, i.e. Divine Knowledge to the Beauty is of such a contradiction that, except by viewing degrees in the Divine Essence, may not be resolved. While, such a view would bring Avicenna theology closer to mystical ontology. Keywords: Ibn Sina, obligatory science, obligatory beauty, unity, Sinavi theology, mystical ontology
Kalhor Z, Abbasi M B. The Relationship of Science and Beauty in Divine Essence (Longitudinal Theology of Avicenna). ANDISHE-NOVIN-E-DINI A Quarterly Research 2022; 18 (71) :87-102 URL: http://andishe.maaref.ac.ir/article-1-1944-en.html